EC-Council’s Essentials Series: Learn Premium Courses for Free


Imagine if you are a college student and you see a person doing Ethical Hacking and finding bugs and you also want to learn to hack for free? Now at this point wait how can I learn it for free? Well, EC-Council’s (International Council of E-Commerce Consultants) a Cybersecurity professional body has recently come up with its new series called EC-Council’s Essentials Series.

In this program, you will learn the Fundamentals of Cybersecurity from the ground level for absolutely free. This includes various Certifications, E-Guides, Virtual Labs, Video Training Series, etc. This can be the best opportunity for you if you want to pursue a career in the field of Cybersecurity. So without wasting any more time let’s get right into it.

About EC-Council’s Essentials Series

This Essential series includes a list of three courses – Network Defence, Ethical Hacking, and Digital Forensics. You might be wondering that to learn you need advanced coding skills. Well, you are wrong these courses are introductory courses which means anyone from any background can learn it and get certified.

Types of Courses

1. Network Defence Essentials

This Course includes the Fundamental concepts of information security and network defense. It gives you a holistic view of key components of Information Security such as Identification, Authentication and Authorization, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, Wireless Networks, Mobile and IoT Devices, and Data Security. 

2. Ethical Hacking Essentials

Ethical Hacking Essentials is also an introductory course like previous ones that include ethical hacking and penetration testing fundamentals and prepares learners for a career in cybersecurity. It introduces you to the world of Computer and Network Security Concepts like threats, vulnerabilities, password cracking, web application attacks, IoT and OT Attacks, cloud computing, pentesting fundamentals, and more.

3. Digital Forensics Essentials

Digital Forensics Essentials course can help the learners to increase their competency and expertise n digital forensics and information security skills. It is also an introductory course that can help learners to learn Computer Forensics Fundamentals and Computer Forensics Investigation Process.

Course Highlights:

  • Official eCourseware from EC-Council (available with your free CodeRed account)
  • CodeRed’s Certificate of Achievement (available with your free CodeRed account)
  • 11 Lab Activities in a simulated lab environment (Available Only with the Labs Package)
  • Proctored Exam and Official EC-Council Certification (Available Only with the Ultimate Package)

Who is this for?

High School Students: Those who want to get an early start to their cybersecurity career and master the fundamentals of security online.

College/University Students: Those who want to prepare for a cybersecurity career and aid their IT education

Working Professionals: Those who want to get into a cybersecurity field and don’t know where to start their education journey

How to Apply for EC-Council’s Essentials Series?

To Apply for these Courses CLICK HERE.

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